Where I've Been & Where I'm Going
>> Thursday, March 29, 2012
So to pin this photo on Pinterest...it has to be from a website or blog...I hope.
Just playing around tonight. But thinking that I would not have been to many of these places if not for Brian...or at least not yet. We've had some wild rides in the semi/his work. Vacations for me : work for him. LOL
Anyway...I think I'd like to get a bike, and be comfortable riding on roads, not just practice lots, and see the states I've missed that way. Someday! LOL!
Anyway...I think I'd like to get a bike, and be comfortable riding on roads, not just practice lots, and see the states I've missed that way. Someday! LOL!
If anyone has a good bike (not a crotch-rocket) that they'd like to give me...I'll be happy to take it! I'm looking at a Yamaha's & Suzuki's right now. Preferrably used, but not too badly! TIA! LOL!